Hello Everyone, I wanted to inform you that we are now accepting Visa, Mastercard & Discover credit cards on the site including the ability to take credit card orders over the phone. Of course we still have PayPal for those that wish to use that service.
We hope these new methods of purchasing will make your shopping experience with us more pleasurable.
We also have installed security software that will make it safe for you to provide your credit card information without the worry of anyone else being able to acquire your private information.
In fact, none of us here at Mountain Crafted will be able to access any of your personal information unless it’s a phone order. You can shop and purchase now with the knowledge that your information is where it belongs; which is only with you!
New categories on the site are:
Rich & silky Moisturizing Lotion
Aromatherapy Rich & Silky Moisturizing Lotion
These lotions come in our 8 and 12 ounce pump bottles. This lotion is of 100% plant based ingredients.
Our new fragrance of Cotton Candy in most all of our products is now waiting to transport you to the midway of the fairgrounds anytime you wish and anytime of the year!
Thanks for reading, Barry.
Mountain Crafted | It Just Makes Good Scents!
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